We have all heard the think outside the box expression many times in business. I have heard it countless times and I am not sure people realize that they are even saying it anymore. As I have mentioned this topic while speaking, I will blog on it here. Instead of thinking outside the box, I challenge you to break the box in your thinking. Let me say it again...break the box,. Let me explain it even more. Tear the box, destroy the box, step on the box, shred the box...and decide to no longer be defined by the "confines of…
Would You Buy from You?By Ryan T. Sauers @ryansauersYes, you heard the question correctly. Would you buy from you? At first, you may be thinking—Duh, Sauers-- of course. However, it is amazing how when I drill in on this subject, while training, many salespersons and owners alike, begin to say something like “well, uh, ummm, huh, yeah- I guess.” Really? If you would not buy from you then why would anyone else want to buy from you? Simon Sinek covers this why subject well.I have an example of the confidence, not cockiness; it takes to be successful in sales. The example…
I am unorthodox in my approach to teaching salespersons so that they can grow. I thought you might as well know that now before you read this post. So, let’s look at this process of sales success backwards. What things do ineffective salespersons do? If you are doing any or all of these things, simply said, you are going the wrong way. Thus, this also means the opposite behavior is what you should be doing, saying etc. Be sure to tell everyone possible that today’s buyers only care about price. Comment frequently on how hard it is to get past…